Announcing the Release of INVISIBLE

Lola’s not pretty. Lola’s not popular. Lola wishes she could disappear … and then one day she does just that...

For seventeen-year-old Lola Savullo, life is a struggle. Born to funky parents who are more in than she could ever be, Lola’s dream of becoming a writer makes her an outsider even in her own home. Bullied and despised, Lola still has the support of her best pal Charlie and Grandma Rose.

Not only is she freakishly tall, Lola’s a big girl and when forced to wear a bathing suit at her summer job as a camp counselor, Lola’s only escape from deep embarrassment seems to be to literally vanish. Soon after, she discovers the roots of her new “ability”.

Slowly, with Charlie’s help, Lola learns to control the new super power. The possibilities are endless. Yet power can be abused, too…

Then, when tragedy strikes, Lola must summon her inner strength, both at home and at school. She has to stand up for herself, despite the temptations and possibilities of her newfound super power.

A coming-of-age story that will warm the heart.

INVISIBLE is available at


  1. Thanks Tirzah...yeah, I'm pretty excited. Now I've got to post the book trailer you did for me on YouTube. Can I ask for help if I have problems?

    Thanks so much, Bethany :)

  2. Sure. Let me know if you need me to resend you the MP4 file or if you want me to use it from my YOuTube Channel.

  3. Thanks, Tirz. I've got the file, but I've never put anything on YouTube before so there might be a learning curve for me, lol

  4. Congratulations! I can't wait to grab this and start reading!

  5. Thank you so much, Marlena. I sooooo appreciate your kindness and support. It should be available on Amazon tomorrow...fingers crossed :)

  6. That sounds interesting, congratulations!

    I'm looking forward to hitting the Campaign trail with you - I'm in your Canadian Campaigner group.

  7. Jeanne, the kitties and I celebrated by throwing toy mice in the air (me) and chasing after them (the kitties) to celebrate this wonderful news. Congratulations! I can't wait to start reading this book, which had me from the first time I saw the cover (which introduced me to Tirzah's incredible design for the original Lola) and read the blurb. Is it possible to walk on air and do a happy dance all at once? I hope the answer is "yes." :)

  8. Jeanne, I just got the trailer to play (the Internet is so slooow today ...), and it's the best one I've seen yet.

    Tirzah, if you did this, why am I knocking my head against a brick wall with my storyboard for The Underground Gift. I need to e-mail you. This rocks!

  9. Hi Kelworth - thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. I will stop by your 'house' for a visit.

    Michelle, thank you sooooooo much. You are one of the kindest and most generous people I know. Thanks for being such a great support and all round super lady.

    And a big YES on Tirzah. I recomment her highly. She is excellent at what she does. An amazingly talented woman and also very kind and sweet.

  10. Jeanne,

    Congratulations! Have I told you already how much I love your cover. Clean, simple and effective, just the way I like them. You can be sure I'll be getting my copy! Well done. Smiling from ear to ear here.

  11. Hey Joy, my dear friend. Thanks so much for your kind words. You're such a great friend :)

  12. Congratulations! Sorry I'm showing up late to the party.

  13. Thanks, Andrea - sorry for the late response. I bought a new laptop and can't access my blog from it, so I have to wrestle the old laptop from my eight year old to come play on my blog! What a hassle!

  14. Love the short hook and cover blurb! This is on my TBR list! Congratulations!

  15. Woo hoo! Congrats! How exciiting.


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